Price Verification

Make Sure Your Prices Are Correct

CRM uses a two-tier process to ensure prices and products are listed and charged correctly. Order Guides are verified at the beginning of the month and invoices are audited at the close of the month.

Price verification is a critical process for any restaurateur. Many operators are unaware of pricing errors until they see a spike in food costs. CRM’s Order Guide Verification helps them get in front of this.

Some software solutions identify pricing errors. However, CRM’s Price Verification Team determines whether the reported error should result in a credit. We audit every line of every invoice every month, conducting the audit against a verified Order Guide that was approved before the invoices were generated. Additionally, we verify all contracted items and weekly market-priced transactions.

Timelines matter too!  Other companies may take up to
120 days to report audit results and even longer to get you the credit that you are entitled to. At CRM we get credits to you and your franchisees within 30 days of the close of each month!

Closing the loop on price errors and getting our clients the refunds they deserve each month creates measurable cost reduction.

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